Translate the following sentences into English:
(1) सावधानीपूर्वक कार्य करो अन्यथा माताजी क्रोधित होंगी। (2) वह परिश्रमी ही नहीं बुद्धिमान भी है। (3) जल्दी सो
जाओ अन्यथा पिता जी डाटेंगे। (4) या तो तुमने या तुम्हारे भाई ने मेरी पतंग चुरा ली है। (5) न तो स्वयं कार्य करती है न तो
करने देती है। (6) मैंने आम ही नहीं सेब भी खाये। (7) वह दयालु भी है और बुद्धिमान भी। (8) वह मेरे घर आया और मुझे
अपनी किताब दी। (9) उसने परिश्रम किया फिर भी अनुत्तीर्ण हो गया। (10) जल्दी कपड़े पहन लो नहीं तो देर हो जायेगी।
1. do work carefully or else your mother will get angry
2. they are not only hardworking but also intelligent
3. sleep quickly otherwise your father will scold you
4. you or your brother has stolen my kite
5. you are not doing your work and not allowing others to do there
6. I had not only Eaten mango but also apples
7. he is not only a good person but also intelligent
8. he came to my house and give back me my book
9. he done his hard work but then also he became speechless
10. wear your dress fastly otherwise we will be late
about the word last speechless in 9th one I am not sure
hope other sentence will help you
do work care fully else your mother will get angry
he is not only hardworker else he is intelligent
sleep quickly otherwise your father scold you