Translate the following sentences into English:
1. यदि डॉक्टर न आयेगा तो रोगी मर जायेगा। 2. यदि वह पाठशाला से अनुपस्थित रहेगा तो उस
पर जुर्माना कर दिया जायेगा। 3. यदि वह मेरे पास आयेगा तो मैं उसकी सहायता करूँगा। 4. यदि उसन
मुझ पर आक्रमण किया तो मैं उसे जान से मार डालँगा। 5. यदि वह यहाँ होता तो मेरी सहायता करता।
6. यदि वर्षा समय पर हो जाये तो कीमतें गिर जायेंगी। 7. यदि तुम सफल होना चाहत हा
परिश्रम करो। 8. यदि तम्हें मेरी सहायता की आवश्यकता है तो मैं तैयार हूँ। 9.
Answered by
- If the doctor doesn't come then the patient would die.
- If he's absent in class then he will have to pay fine for that.
- If he comes to me then I will help him.
- If he attacks on me then I would kill him.
- If he was here then he would have helped me.
- If it rains on time that the rates would decrease.
- If you want to get successful then you should do hard work.
- If you want my help then I'm ready to help you.
Hope it helps
Answered by
if docter doesn't come then the partient would die
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