English, asked by sobirkha3, 2 days ago

Translate the following sentences into English and change them into Passive Voice :
A. (1) मैं उसको एक पुस्तक देता हूँ। (2) वे फुटबॉल कब खेलते हैं ? (3) वे अपने माता-पिता का आदर नहीं करते हैं।
(4) बढ़ई ने एक मेज बनाई । (5) क्या उस लड़के ने एक पुस्तक चुराई ? (6) वह यह काम एक सप्ताह में करेगा।
B. (7) वह बाजार से पुस्तक खरीद रहा है । (8) क्या रवि अपने छोटे भाई को नहीं पीट रहा है ? (9) हमारे कॉलेज की टीम
फुटबाल खेल रही थी। (10) क्या तुम्हारे पिताजी तुम्हारे लिए पुस्तकें खरीद रहे थे ? (11) क्या तुम कोई गीत गा रहे थे ?
C. (12) शेर ने गाय को मार दिया है । (13) क्या तुमने मेरी पुस्तक चुराई है ? (14) क्या उसने तुम्हारी सहायता की है ?
(15) उन्होंने अपना कार्य क्यों नहीं समाप्त किया है ? (16) वह पुस्तक को पहले ही खरीद चुका था।
Aid - बढ़ई - carpenter; शेर – lion; पहले ही - already.​


Answered by avikittna734


I am giving him one book.

when did they play football?

They don't respect their parents.

Carpenter made the table

Does that boy stolen a Book?

He is buying book from market.

Our college team was playing football

Does your father was buying book for you?


attempted 8/10

Answered by Qwkolkata

The sentences can be written in english as:

  1. I give him a book.
  2. when do they play football?
  3. They do not respect his parents.
  4. The carpenter made a table.
  5. did that boy steal a book?
  6. He will do this work in a week.
  7. He is buying a book from the market.
  8. Is Ravi not beating his younger brother ?
  9. Our college team was playing football.
  10. Was your father buying books for you?
  11. were you singing a song?
  12. The lion has killed the cow.
  13. have you stolen my book?
  14. has he helped you?
  15. Why have they not finished their work?
  16. He had already bought the book.

Changing them from active to passive:

  1. A book was given to him by me.
  2. When is football played by them?
  3. His parents are not respected by them.
  4. A table was made by the carpenter.
  5. Was that book stolen by the boy?
  6. The work will be done by him in a week.
  7. A book is being bought by him from the market.
  8. Was Ravi's brother not being beaten by him?
  9. Football was being played by our college team.
  10. Were books being bought by your father for you?
  11. Was a song being sung by you?
  12. The cow was killed by the the lion.
  13. was my book stolen by you?
  14. were you helped by him?
  15. Why was the work not finished by them?
  16. The book had been already bought by him.


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