English, asked by akashdb76, 7 months ago

Translate to English
(ii) क्या तुम हँसे? क्या उसने लिखा? क्या हमलोगों ने खेला? क्या तुमने घोड़ा खरीदा? क्या मैंने
चिट्ठियाँ लिखीं? क्या मैंने उसकी मदद की? क्या रीता ने आम खाया? क्या तुमलोगों ने चाय पी? क्या
उसने अपना सबक (lesson) बनाया (do)? क्या अमर बाजार गया? क्या उसने अपनी जमीन बेची
(sell)? क्या तुम्हारे पिताजी कल आए?
(iv) क्या अँगरेजों ने भारत नहीं छोड़ा (leave)? क्या हमारा देश आजाद (free) नहीं हो गया (become)?
क्या मैंने उसे पीटा? क्या तुमने दूध नहीं पीया? क्या उसने घोड़ा नहीं खरीदा? क्या मुकुल स्कूल नहीं
गया? क्या राजीव ने पत्र नहीं लिखा? क्या हमलोग मंदिर (temple) नहीं गए?
(v) रामू कहाँ गया? तुम कब आए? वह क्यों हँसा? वे वहाँ कैसे गए? तुमने किसकी मदद की? सीता ने
कौन किताब (which book) खरीदी? रमेश ने क्या किया? लड़के फुटबॉल कहाँ खेले? तुम स्कूल से कब
आए? आपने मुझे क्यों बुलाया? शिक्षक ने यह सवाल (sum) कैसे बनाया (do)? तुमने वहाँ क्या देखा?
अपूर्ण भूत​


Answered by rkg055494gmailcom


(ii) Have you laughed? Did he write Did we play? Did you buy a horse? Did i

Wrote letters Did i help him Did Rita eat mangoes? Did you drink tea? what

He made his lesson (do)? Did Amar go to the market? Did he sell his land

(sell)? Did your father come tomorrow?

(iv) Did the British not leave India? Has our country not become free?

Did i beat her? Didn't you drink milk? Didn't he buy a horse? Isn't mukul school

Gone? Did Rajiv not write the letter? Haven't we visited the temple?

(v) Where did Ramu go? when did you come? Why did he laugh how did they get there? Who did you help Sita

Who bought the book? What did Ramesh do? Where did boys play football? When you from school

Returns? Why did you call me How did the teacher make this question (sum) (do)? What did you see there


Imperfect ghost

Answered by savagebeast97


(ii)Did you laugh Did he write Did we play? Did you buy a horse? Did i

Wrote letters Did i help him Did Rita eat mangoes? Did you drink tea? what

He made his lesson (do)? Did Amar go to the market? Did he sell his land

(sell)? Did your father come tomorrow?

iv) Did the British not leave India? Has our country not become free?

Did i beat her? Didn't you drink milk? Didn't he buy a horse? Isn't mukul school

Gone? Did Rajiv not write the letter? Haven't we visited the temple?

v) Where did Ramu go? when did you come? Why did he laugh how did they get there? Who did you help Sita

Who bought the book? What did Ramesh do? Where did boys play football? When are you from school

Returns? Why did you call me How did the teacher make this question (sum) (do)? What did you see there


Imperfect ghost

uff... hope u liked it follow for more help

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