CBSE BOARD X, asked by dipaksrivas280, 1 month ago

translate to english



Answered by CreativeAB

Your Solution:

Hindi :-

चुकी थी। 3. सूरज निकलने के बाद वह उठा था । 4. जब हरी कालेज पहुँचा तो ड्रामा समाप्त हो चुका था । 5. उसने मुझे बताया कि वह अपना पाठ याद कर चुका है । 6. आठ बजे तक सब होटल बन्दु हो चुके थे । 7. डॉक्टर के आने से पहले ही मरीज मर चुका था । 8. चोर के जाने के बाद पुलिस वहाँ पहुँची थी। 9. जब हम कालेज पहुँचे तब घण्टी बज चुकी थी। 10, अठराह वर्ष की अवस्था में मैं ग्रेजुएट हो चुका था । 11. पिछले वर्ष की समाप्ति तक दो हजार गाँवों को बिजली मिल चुकी थी । 12. जो कुछ मैंने उसके लिये किया उसके लिए उसने मुझे धन्यवाद दिया । 13. यदि मैं वहाँ चला जाता तो वह मेरी मदद कर देता । 14. चलने से पहले रेलगाड़ी ने दो बार सीटी दी थी । 15. चुनाव जीतने के पश्चात वह अपने विरोधियों से भी प्रेमपतळ मिला था ।

English :-

It was over 3. He got up after the sun rose. 4. When Hari reached the college, the drama was over. 5. He told me that he had memorized his lesson. 6. By eight o'clock all the hotels were closed. 7. The patient was already dead before the doctor came. 8. The police had reached there after the thief left. 9. When we reached the college, the bell had rung. 10, I had graduated at the age of eighteen. 11. By the end of last year, two thousand villages had got electricity. 12. He thanked me for what I did for him. 13. If I had gone there, he would have helped me. 14. The train whistled twice before leaving. 15. After winning the election, he had also received love letters from his opponents.

I hope you got it

Happy Learning :D

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