Hindi, asked by sylvesterdkhar56, 1 month ago

Translate to English : जल मनुष्य की बुनियादी आवश्यकता है । स्वच्छ जल न मिलने के कारण, गाँवों तथा शाहरों में रहने वाले लोग, अनेक बीमरियों के शिकार हो रहे हैं । प्रतिवर्ष अनेक लोग , जल - प्रदूषण के कारण मर रहे हैं। नदियों में पालतू जानवरों को नहलाने तथा कपड़े धोने से भी जल प्रदूषित होता है। कारखानों से निकलने वाला कचरा भी नदियों के जल में मिलता है और उसे गंदा करके, पीने योग्य नहीं रहने देता।​


Answered by Anonymous
English Translation:
Water is the basic need of man. Due to lack of clean water, people living in villages and towns are falling prey to many diseases. Every year many people are dying due to water pollution. Bathing pets and washing clothes in rivers also pollutes water. The waste from factories also gets into the water of the rivers and makes it dirty, making it not potable.

Hope it helps u! :)
Answered by nehasharma11medc

water is an essential need for humans.Due to the lack of pure water the people living in big cities and towns are not getting pure water.so they have to consume impure and dirty water which results in causing them innumerable disease.every year many people dies due to the water pollution. the pure water is polluted by residential people by washing clothes and their animals in the water. Also waste from big industries is discharged into the water without any special treatment which pollutes the water and also kills the aquatic organsisms

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