transtive or intranstive 20 sentence
Transitive verbs are action verbs that have an object to receive that action. In the first sentence above, the direct object ball received the action of the verb hit. Below are some examples of transitive verbs.
Intransitive verbs are action verbs but unlike transitive verbs, they do not have an object receiving the action. Notice there are no words after the verb sang. Below are some examples of intransitive verbs.
Hey mate
Here is ur answer
Transitive sentence
1 she eats bread
2 the boy broke the glass
3 he opened the door
4 the man killed a snake
5 aditi made a doll
6 he moves the table
7 she opened the door
8 he burnt his fingers
9 he eats apple
10 uhe wind shook the horse
Intransitive sentence
1 the man died
2 The sun shines
3 the girl smiled
4 we eat to live
5 the glass broke
6 the earth shook
7 the boy seems
8 Birds fly
9 Boys sleep
10 the baby weeps