Social Sciences, asked by frennyjones, 2 months ago

Travel in your imagination to the land of Judea. The year is 164 B.C. Imagine that on a hillside you see a flock of sheep being led by a shepherd. Walking along with the shepherd is a young boy. The boy and the shepherd are talking as they walk along. Let's listen to find out what they are saying.
"Joseph," said the young boy to the aged shepherd, I'm getting hungry. May we stop soon and eat lunch?"
Joseph, the shepherd, checked the sky, looked for the position of the sun, then answered the boy. "Well, Aaron, I guess it is about noon. We will stop now to eat and give the sheep a rest."
When they had washed their hands in the i creek and prayed, they began to eat. Joseph," said the young boy.
"Yes, Aaron," replied the shepherd. "Where have the men gone?" "Well, Aaron, they have gone south of the city of Jerusalem to fight a powerful army that is assembled there.
"Joseph, will the men return soon?"
"If the Lord wills, they will win their battle. Then we will be in possession of the city of Jerusalem. When they capture Jerusalem, they will return."
"Oh, Joseph! Do you really think the men could capture Jerusalem?" "Well, Aaron, as said, if the Lord wants us to possess Jerusalem, He will help the men capture the city,"
"Will you tell me the story of the Old Master and how he rebelled against the heathen rulers?"
Joseph smiled at the young boy and thought of how many times he had told the story to Aaron, Aaron, however, never grew tired of hearing about the revolt when his people and i their leader, Mattathias the Old Master, had rebelled against their Seleucid rulers. Joseph also loved the story, so he began.
"Aaron, do you remember the story about the Greek ruler, Alexander?
"Yes, Joseph, he was the king who conquered the area all around the Great Sea in only a few short years."
"That's right, Aaron. After the death of Alexander, the Great, some of his generals divided his lands among themselves. One of those generals became king of Egypt. That general's name was Ptolemy; Ptolemy's greatest general was named Seleucus. Seleucus fought in many wars and claimed. the lands he conquered for himself. He set up a kingdom called the Seleucid kingdom. That kingdom no longer exists.
"Our city, the city of Jerusalem, was captured by the descendants of Seleucus These rulers, being Greeks, wanted to change. many of the old ways of Israel. They did not believe in the Law of Moses. They did not want to worship the one true God as we do. These rulers tried to make our people worship the false, heathen Greek gods. However, our people did not think they should leave the worship of the one true God in order to false Greek gods.
"When the Greeks tried to force our people to worship the false Greek gods, many of them refused. Our people decided they would rather die than leave the truths of our God. and of their fathers. One of the great men who refused to follow Greek ways was a brave. priest named Mattathias."
"Joseph, was he the priest we call the Old Master? "Yes, Aaron, we call him the Old Master because he was an old man when he began to rule over us and because he is no longer. with us. The Old Master refused to sacrifice - to false, heathen gods. When the heathen ruler tried to force the Old Master to offer a sacrifice to a false Greek god, he refused When another man, who was afraid of the Greeks, stepped up to the altar to offer c sacrifice to the heathen god, the Old Master became very angry. The Old Master killed the man who was about to make the offering"


Answered by kumarvaibhav5747


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