travelling broadens the mind expansion of idea
Travelling broadens the mind expansion of idea
When we seem to live all our life in the same place, we are like the proverbial frog in a well who believes that the well is the whole world. We tend to become narrow-minded. We might still read books, magazines and newspapers, but yet, not know what the world outside is truly like. There is no doubt that travelling broadens the mind and lightens the spirit.
Apart from sight seeing sceneries, natural and historical sights, travelling enables a person to meet different people and study their customs, modes of dressing, culture and languages at close quarters. Meeting different people makes a person board-minded, understanding and tolerant.
Travelling brings people closer. Their outlook becomes progressive. Travelling removes prejudices and judgmental feelings and helps a person to becomes a citizen of the world and appreciate its diversities in the true sense. Therefore, one must never loose an opportunity to travel. It will be an experience well worth the time and money spent on it. The world is a book and he who stays at home reads only one page. Traveling is an indispensable and an inevitable part of life.