English, asked by harshitpurigoswami2, 3 months ago

Treading a path so far
Let me not mock him for his marks,
Making him a fish amongst sharks.
God give me the patience to see him bloom.
He's still growing and needs lot of room.
It's a big bad world which puts him down.
No, I don't want to see him ever frown.
My child is still a star
Treading a path so far.
He may not be the best
He may not top the test
God give me the sense not to treat him like a scale
His worth being measured by pass or fail.
He's a fine piece of art! My lovely child
because God created him with Strokes so mild.
Someday, he'll unfold his mind and soul.
until then let not the false world take a toll.
God give me the strength to teach him to rise.
for every fall will surely make him wise.
For now, I shall just let him be
And live his life with mirth and glee.
However, I hope he may some day shine.
Or even if he doesn't he's still just fine.
Because a star is always a star.
(Dr. Arundhati Patil)
1.1 Choose the correct option (1X5=5 marks)
a. Generally people make fun of the children who ________
(i) are like fish (ii) are shining stars
(iii) get poor marks (iv) are young children
b. The poet compares the little one with a fish because they ______
(i) look like fish (ii) live in water
(iii) are helpless and weak (iv) cannot walk.
c. In the poem the poet is trying to ________
(i) assess and appreciate a weak child
(ii) appreciate and encourage a weak child
(iii) encourage and evaluate a weak child
(iv) humiliate a weak child
d. A 'fall' helps a child as _________
(i) he gets up again (ii) he gets an experience
(iii) he gets good marks (iv) he gets free treatment
e. The poet wants her son to-
(i) be a star (ii) be a great achiever
(iii) go by his natural instincts (iv) get good marks.
1.2 Answer the following questions briefly. (1x7=7 marks)
a. On what occasion is this poem composed?
b. The poet prays God for patience. Why?
c. Why should the child be treated as a piece of art?
d. How has the poet criticised the world?
e. What is expected of a parent when the child is still growing?
f. Find out a word or phrase which means 'with happiness'.
g. Find out a word which means ‘walk on’​


Answered by telltosiddharth


are you actually thinking that someone will answer this, please dont use this website, you only get spam messages, use quora where everything gets answered


please thank my answer

Answered by Anonymous


1.1 a. generally people make fun of the children who __get poor marks____

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