Hindi, asked by jasvirsinghdahoy3sgk, 1 year ago

treaty of versailles and causes of world war one​


Answered by CaptainBrainly

The first World war took place between 1914 - 1918. This war is called is as world war because, almost all the countries participated in the war directly or indirectly.


Agressive Nationalism:

In the early 1900s, many new counties were emerged due to the feeling of nationalism. The nationalism in the starting was a positive impulse but later it turned into an agressive nationalism.

The fascism of Italy and Nazism of Germany were the other forms of agressive nationalism. These ideologies created pride in newly formed nations and start hatring neighbouring countries.


Due to the industrial revolution in Europe, many European countries started colonising other countries for raw materials. The newly formed nations wanted to redivide the colonies but this was not accepted by old powers. This led to the hatredness.

Balkan Politics:

Balkan peninsula is an area of many small kingdoms where people to many sects, languages living there. This peninsula was part of Ottoman Empire. After the downfall of Ottoman Empire, many kingdoms declared independence. Many countries like Austria, Russia, Turkey etc wanted to control over this region. This led to the series of wars.

The other causes were Secret Alliances, Militarism etc.

Immediate Cause:

Archuduke Franz Ferdinand of Austro-Hungary was assassinated by a Bosnian Serb in June, 1914. Austria asked Serbia for the reason. Austria declared war on Serbia as the reason was unsatisfactory. This was the immediate cause for the first World war. Other countries joined in this war. They were Britain, France, Russia and Serbia once side. Germany and it's group in the other side.

In this war, the allied powers [ Britain, France, Russia were victorious.

The Treaty of Versailles, 1919:

• After the first World war, the victorious powers [ Allied powers ] imposed a treaty on the axis powers.

• According to this treaty, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was dissolved and divided into small nation nation states.

• The Ottoman Empire was divided into Turkey and other countries.

• The German Empire was made a democratic country.

• The most important thing in this treaty was - heavy imposition of penalty on Germany by victorious powers.

• This led to the emergence of Adolf Hitler.

Anonymous: Well done Captain !
CaptainBrainly: Thank you!
BrainIyMSDhoni: Great :)
CaptainBrainly: Thank you!
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