Hindi, asked by jaydeep3234, 1 year ago

tree ke usein marathi​


Answered by alpana6


but dude I had not Marathi keyboard

Answered by varsha5122

Different Types Of Trees And Their Benefits

Types of Trees in India with Pictures and Names:

Here are the top 25 types of trees list that you may have most definitely noticed.

1.Banyan tree

Banyan trees are mostly seen in different regions of the country and are the national tree of India that grows in a special type of soil. The oldest Banyan tree is present in Kolkata. This huge type of tree has extensive branches in order to provide support to it, having height more than 21 m. Leaves are of 10-20 cm long. Leaves are used as plates in India. Wood is used for making furniture, door, etc. Leaf, seeds and bark are useful for various diseases and disorders.

2. Neem tree

The most common and popular tree of probably every household is the neem tree that has bright leaves and goes up to the height of 100 feet. A straight and rough trunk is seen in neem trees. Each part of the Neem trees is essential for different purposes. They are used to treat chicken pox and used in various medicines. Wood is also used in south India for furniture making. Neem can be used as fertilisers for different plants.

3. Peepal tree

It is a fast-growing tree having heart-shaped leaves with a large crown. It sheds its leaves in the month of March and April. Peepal tree is used for various purposes, as ear drop, heals wounds, root bark cleans ulcers, prevent gum diseases, urinary troubles, the fruit is useful for asthma and many more. The leaves are also used as decorative items.

4. Aloe Vera tree

Aloe Vera plant usually grows to a height of about 12 to 16 inches. It has thick and fleshy leaves with sharp edges but does not have a stem. Long leaves are mainly in triangular fashion inside which contains the aloe vera gel. It grows in sandy soil in a sunny location though need to be watered on a regular basis. Aloe Vera is useful to hair to remove dandruff and the itchy effect. Though they are essential in cosmetic products, they are equally important to the food industry.

5. Tulsi plant

Tulsi plant is considered as a holy and religious plant in India. Height reaches about 75 cm to 90 cm. The leaves are round oval shaped which contain essential oils. It has high medicinal value. It provides relief in fever, cold and cough, effective against insomnia, indigestion, etc.

6. Amlaki

Amlaki’ is the household name very commonly used for amla. This type of tree is a medium deciduous plant of height about 8-18 meters. Spreading branches and crooked trunk are the prominent features of this plant. Feathery and linear-oblong shaped leaves mostly smell like lemon. In extreme heat, it wraps and splits. Amla is highly rich in Vitamin C, thus used in common cold. This improves the immunity of our body and is useful for healthy hair. Other than that, amla is used in shampoo and many food items like jellies, pickle, etc.

7. Eucalyptus:The leaves of this evergreen kind of tree are of 6-12 inches long and 1-2 inches broad when they are adult. Height is nearly about 300 feet or more. Prominent bark appears as it ages. Fruit comes in a capsule. One of the main use of this kind of tree is plywood for the manufacture of the paper and its poles are also used for the construction of houses. It also lowers the sugar level in blood and purifies it. It acts as an antiseptic and also provides a remedy for asthma patients.

[See More: Different Types Of Forests With Pictures]

8. Mahagony:

8. Mahagony

Mahogany is used as astringent for wound obtained from the bark. This is used as a remedy in diseases like anemia, fever, dysentery, others. Furniture, boat, casket, musical instruments are generally made from the wood of mahogany. Indian mahogany trees are found mostly all over India. They have symmetrically round crown growing up to 30-40 feet height.

9. Indian Rosewood:

9. Indian rosewood

The rosewood is a kind of tree alternate rows up to an altitude of about 25 m and has a diameter of about 3 m. This rosewood is a deciduous tree which grows straight. Flowers are of white and pink colours. The fruit is brown coloured and is of very dry and hard. Crown part is oval in shape. This tree works as fuelwood. It is used in furniture making, plywood, musical instruments, etc. It is a remedy for acne treatment and helps to balance oily and dry skins. The rosewood oil stimulates the growth of a new cell.

10. Tulip Tree:

Indian Tulip is found in lower dry to wet forest. The height of Indian tulip tree is usually more than 40 feet. The flowers are cup shapes and the leaves are of heart shaped. This evergreen tree is very fast growing. Main branches of the tulip tree grow in straight along with thick bark. As the tree gets older it thins out, though it was bushy while it was young. Flowers, fruits and the young leaves are edible. Timber is used for making paper, paddles and also used to make gums and oils. Leaves are also used for swollen joints.

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