English, asked by urmilasingha90, 9 months ago

Trees are of importance not only to man but also to birds and
animals. The branches give shelter to human beings, birds and
animals. Forests give shelter to numerous wild animals. We value
trees for their usefulness and beauty, They give us wood for fuel,
building houses, making furniture etc. Besides this, they refresh
our eyes and our mind olso. In ancient times, the rishis had their
eshrams arider forests. They and their pupils lived in these ashrams,
Birds and animals lived there too. Thus the pupils got a chance
to live amidst nature and learn to love its beauty. Today we do
not have this dose relationship with nature. We are deprived of
enjoying its beauty and bounty,
1. Where did rishis have their ashrams and why?
2. How are trees useful to birds and animals?
3. What is the importance of trees for man?
4. Find from the possage, one word for :
() a large number of
(b) generosity
(d) take away from
5. Why do we value trees?
6. What effect do the trees have on human mind?
Z. How has man's relationship with nature changed now?​


Answered by sanjeevkumarvats0


age jdjhd udhyb ffyf atsh dhtrb hgbu

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