trees natures gift to men
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i agree that trees are nature's gifts to men. This is because trees provide us the life-sustaining supply of oxygen(air) They absorb the harmful carbon dioxide gas present in the air and gradually convert then into oxygen which is released into the air. With growing civilization the demands for raw materials like timber, pulp, minerals, fuel, etc., shoot up resulting in large scale mining, road building and clearing of forests. Our forests contribute substantially to our national economy.Excessive use of fuel wood and charcoal, expansion of urban, agricultural and industrial areas have together led to over exploitation of our forests leading to their rapid depletion.We should conserve forests as it is the place of many wildlife species and protect their natural habitat. It should be conserved to protect the loss of biodiversity and genetic diversity. It also regulates the hydrological cycle. Soil erosion can also be prevented if we conserve forests. Climatic changes and global warming can also be combated if we conserve forests.
please mark my answr brainliest
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Yes, tree is nature gift to all not only men because it provide many useful thing to us such as oxygen and some plant provide fruits and nutritive products...
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