"TRIBES -THE PRIDE OF GUJARAT" - Let us plunge into the tribal life and
Choose any tribal group living in Gujarat today...for example Jat, Dang etc. Find
out about their customs, way of life and how have their lives changed in the last
50 years.
1. Introduction of the topic (general)
2. Characteristics of the tribes (general)
3. Content detail (anyl tribe)
4. Picture gallery (any 1 tribe)
5. Steps taken by the government for the upliftment and empowerment of
these tribal people. (General)
The lines from the passage "Oh, e-government will never work in India" and "We are so poor and we don't have computers" show that there is a notion that e-governance is not possible in India because of the low number of people with computers. The idea is that if people do not have computers, they won't be able to use the internet to complete their government-related tasks online. The question here is about how to help people finish these tasks online and spread the concept of e-governance when not many people have computers. The lines "Many are still skeptical of the real impact because so few Indians have computers" and "The answer lies in interactive c-cable TV and in Internet kiosks" answer this question. They say that even though people feel that e-governance may not be possible in India, cable TV and internet kiosks can take care of that issue by helping people without computers access the internet.