English, asked by shahjeb1851, 9 months ago

Tricki became very active and hard muscled animal. This was because of the regular exercise he

got. Write a paragraph on physical exercise and its advantage in reference to the story “A

Triumph of Surgery”.​


Answered by Anonymous


Dr Herriot found out quite early what was the real problem with Tricki. He knew that Tricki’s only weakness was his greed for food. He, therefore, wanted Mrs Pumphrey to keep Tricki on a strict diet and give him plenty of exercises. Dr Herriot instructed her that the dog be hospitalised under his observation for a fortnight. At the surgery, Tricki looked down at the noisy dogs with dull eyes. He lay motionless on the carpet. The other dogs ignored him as an uninteresting object. A bed was made in a warm loose box next to the other dogs. For two days, Dr Herriot kept an eye on him. He gave him no food but plenty of water. He gave no medical treatment to Tricki.

Dr Herriot’s practical treatment worked. First, Tricki started taking an interest in his surroundings. His appetite returned. He started running along with the other dogs in the garden joining in their friendly barkings. Then, Tricki’s stay at the surgery became quite enjoyable. His indulgent mistress gave him fresh eggs, wine and brandy. Even Dr Herriot was tempted to keep Tricki as a permanent guest. However, Tricki’s recovery was quite rapid and he was handed over to his mistress. The grateful Mrs Pumphrey thanked Dr Herriot and called his feat “a triumph of surgery

I Hope It Help You :-)

Pls Mark my answer brainliest

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