English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Tricky was a pampered dog. Justify the statement with examples from the text.


Answered by hasinparvez7


Tricki  is  a  small  dog  who  is  pampered  by  his  rich  mistress,  Mrs.  Pumphrey  and  enjoys  all  the  comforts and luxuries in her house. He has a whole wardrobe of tweed coats for the cold weather and a raincoat for the wet days. He also has a day bed, a night bed,  a good variety of cushions, toys, a breakfast bowl, a lunch bowl and a supper bowl.

Tricki is overfed by his rich mistress and is  overtly  fond  of  cream  cakes  and  chocolates.  He is  not  given  enough  exercises.  His  only  problem is his greed for food .He has never been known to refuse food and can tackle a meal at any hour of the day or night. As a result of overindulgence, he becomes hugely fat, like a bloated sausage with a leg at each corner. His  eyes, bloodshot and rheumy, stare straight ahead and his tongue  lolls  from  his  jaws.  He  is  listless  and  struggles  to  walk.  Due  to  over  feeding,   Tricki suddenly  stops  eating,   refuses  even  his  favourite  dishes  and  has  bouts  of  vomiting.   He  losesinterest in everything and spends all his days lying on the rug, panting.

Tricki recuperates at Mr. Herriot’s  surgery  under  the  doctor’s  supervision  as  he  is  kept  there  on  a  strict  diet  and  is  given plenty of exercise. He joins the other dogs in their friendly scrimmages and discovers the joys of being  bowled  over,  tramped  on  and  squashed  every  few  minutes  and  becomes  an  accepted  member  of  their  gang.  

Thus, from  a  lazy  dog  Tricki  gets  transformed  into  a  flexible,  hard  muscled one, due to the efforts of his kind and compassionate vet, Mr. Herriot.

Hope this helps you! =)

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