tropic zone and arid zone mention the names of two states that fall in these zones
A long stretch of land situated to the south of Tropic of Cancer and east of the Western Ghats on its Leeward Side experiences this climate. It includes the Bayalu Seeme region in Eastern Karnataka, the Kongunadu and Pandya Nadu regions of Western Tamil Nadu, Rayalaseema region of Western Andhra Pradesh and the Marathwada region of Central Maharashtra. This area receives minimal rainfall due to being situated in the rainshadow area. This region is a famine prone zone with very unreliable rainfall which varies between 40 and 75 cm annually. Towards the north of Krishna River the summer monsoon is responsible for most of the rainfall, while to the south of the river rainfall also occurs in the months of October and November. The coldest month is December but even in this month the temperature remains between 20 °C and 24 °C. The months of March to May are hot and dry with mean monthly temperatures of around 32 °C. The vegetation mostly comprises grasses with a few scattered trees due to the rainfall. Hence this area is not very well suited for permanent agriculture.