Tropical evergreen trees do not need to shed their leaves in any season . Why
yes that is correct
its due to solar radiation effect. Tropical countries have better distribution of Solar radiation over the year. No seasonal variation like winter , Summer and etc.
In winter season Solar ration haven't to produce foods, So foods in leaves trans locate to stem par and leaves shed to reduce energy loss by transpiration, Respiration.
As an examples:- If we take multi colored Foliage plant, in sunlight it will remain as multicolored. but if we place it under lower light or shade condition, it become totally green color. because chlorophyll A haven't ample amount of red light under sunlight.So it try to increase chlorophyll B, to capture more Blue light. So it become total green color without multicolored one.
Like wise due to no seasonality, No deficit of sunlight, green plant can continuously produce foods no need of shedding leaves