trouble shooting chart of electric iron.
In tabular form
sorry i dont know so sorry sisssssss......
Trouble Possible causes Corrective action to be taken
- No power at outlet. Check outlet for power.
- Defective cord or plug. Repair or replace.
- Loose terminal connections Check and tighten the terminals
No heat Broken lead in iron. Repair or replace lead.
Loose thermostat control knob. Clean and tighten.
Defective thermostat Replace thermostat.
Defective heater element. Replace the element if
separate. If cast in,
replace sole-plate
Open terminal fuse Replace.
Insufficient heat Low line voltage. Check voltage at outlet.
Incorrect thermostat setting Adjust and recalibrate
Excessive heat Incorrect thermostat setting Adjust and recalibrate
thermostat or replace.
Defective thermostat. Replace thermostat.
Blisters on sole-plate
Excessive heat First repair the thermostat control. Then replace or repair the sole-plate, depending on its condition.
Tears clothes. Rough spot, nick, scratch, burn on sole-plate.
Remove these spots with fine emery and polish the area with buff.
Iron cannot be turned off Thermostat switch contacts are welded together.
Check the thermostat switch contact. Open them by force. The contact points should be in open condition at off position of the control knob.
Power cord
Loose connection.
Clean and tighten.
Broken wire.
Repair or replace.
Sticks to clothes
Dirty sole-plate.
Excessive starch in clothes.
Iron at a lower temperature. Use less starch next time.
Wrong setting of the thermostat knob.
Set the knob to correct temperature.
Iron too hot for fabric being ironed.
Lower the thermostat setting.
Iron gives shock
Disconnected earth connection.
Check earth connection and connect properly.
Weak insulation of heating element.
Check insulation resistance of heating element; if necessary replace element.
Earth continuity with common earth not available.
Check the main earth continuity and connect properly.
still doubt>??
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