true false give answer please

1 - True
Because agro based industries use plant and animal based products as their raw materials. Food processing, vegetable oil, cotton textile, dairy products and leather industries are examples of agro-based industries.
2 - True
Because Large scale industries produce large volumes of products. Investment of capital is higher, and the technology used is superior.
3 - False
Because Maruti Udyog Limited, a subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan, is India's largest passenger car company. It is an example of joint sector.
4 - True
Because alloy steels (as compared to carbon steels): strength, hardness, toughness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, hardenability, and hot hardness.
5 -True
Because value added to them at each stage of the manufacturing process. In this way the finished product has more value and utility than the raw material that it is made from. ...