Hindi, asked by swatimondal533, 10 months ago

True or False
1. ' मुक्ताहार ' का अर्थ है --' मोतियों के हार '
2. रूठे सूजन मनाइये ,जो रूठे सौ बार ' --कबीरदास ने लिखी है ।
3. वृक्ष ' शब्द पुल्लिंग है --
4. सत्य ' शब्द ' तद्भव ' है -

Tick the correct answer
1. रहीमदास ने किस -किस भाषा मे कविता की है ?
क ) संस्कृत और हिंदी
ख ) अवधी व ब्रजभाषा
ग ) हिंदी और मराठी
2. ऐसी बानी बोलिये मन का आपा खोय ' के लेखक कौन है ?
क ) रहीमदास
ख ) कबीरदास
ग ) रामदास


Answered by s1249sumana10422

your question is too big and it answer will also be too big so me have not the time to give the answer for some reason I can't able to answer you because it take so long time and because of some reason I can't able to answer you I am really shamed that I can't answer you really really sorry dear your question is too big and it answer will also be too big show me have not the time to give give the answer for some reason I can't able to answer you because it take so long time and because of some reason I can't able to answer you I am really shamed that I can't answer you really really sorry dear

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