true wisdom comes from experience essay plxxxx
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ll my life, I tried to understand the little stuff to become sensible. I always thought that knowledge and some tips would be enough for any sort of wisdom, but life isn't that easy. Today, I have understood that true wisdom only comes with experiences. Experiences do teach a lot; whether good or bad. If one doesn't implement then knowledge is completely of no use and would only relish if he applies his knowledge on some context or in his practical life, otherwise it's no less than cramming and not having any application of it, that would be impressive but worthless. I wish to make all the mistakes early in my life, so that after gaining experience I can work on to make my life better. One mustn't be frightened to confront the consequences of any mistake. A wise man has rightly said, "Shoot, if you don't it's a 100% miss"
thanks sir
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True wisdom comes from the capacity to learn and our ability to listen and then analyse it. The inference of the analysis is to be used by experimenting and experiencing them. Wisdom requires control over one's own thoughts and passions. Only when we experience by experimenting different situations, it allows us to become more confident on what we are thinking and our analysis of issues and values. One cannot follow a value just by listening to or reading them. Life is all about making choices. Choices of what we want to experience and the choices of the opportunities that we can capture and the choices of the opportunities that we especially miss. Only when we area an extrovert, our thinking can be wide enough and will be able to learn new things and we can find ourselves, what actually we are able to give spaces for all kind of thoughts, we define ourselves. Defining one's self can be done only when we are wise enough. By living in a way that we want, teaches us more values and facts. Telling values to others is easy, but following and practicing it is very tough and most won't do it. As Buddha says," Those who recite many scriptures and fail to practice their teachings are like a cowherd counting another's cows."
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