try and find out about the ideas of shankra or ramanuja
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Shankaracharya= The earliest of the bhakti saints was Shankaracharya. Born in the 8 th century ce in Kerala. He traveled throughout India to spread the importance of knowledge as a means to reach the god . To him the world was an Illusion.
Ramanuja = He was one of the important Bhakti saints of South India between 1199-1136ce . Ramanuja was the teacher or guru of Ramanand
Ramanuja = He was one of the important Bhakti saints of South India between 1199-1136ce . Ramanuja was the teacher or guru of Ramanand
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here is your answer friend
Shankara, born in Kerala in the eighth century, was a very influential thinker of India. He was an advocate of Advaita or the doctrine of the oneness of the human soul and the Supreme Soul which is formless and is the Ultimate Reality.
Ramanuja was born in Tamil Nadu in the eleventh century, and he was highly influenced by the philosophy of the Alvars. He thought that the path to salvation was through intense devotion to Lord Vishnu because the grace of the Lord helps devotees attain permanent bliss (freedom and happiness).
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