try to solve this one

Here is your answer
Q14 :What is biogas?-------------------?
Ans :Biogas is a refers to a mixture of different gases produced by the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. Biogas can be produced from raw materials such as agricultural waste, manure, municipal waste, plant material, sewage, green waste or food waste. Biogas is a renewable energy source.
Involved in obtaining biogas:
(1)Mixing (slurry of cattle-dung and water).
(2)Digesting (cattle-dung undergoing decomposition by anaerobic bacteria).
(3)Formation of biogas (mixture of methane, C02, H2 and H2S).
(4)Spent slurry (residue left after the formation of biogas).
(5)The process by which the biomass changes into biogas in the absence of air due to an anaerobic microorganisms is termed as an anaerobic decomposition.
Q15: How is ozone--------------------------?
Ans: Beneficial factors of ozone:
Ozone layer is a protective layer around our atmosphere that protects us from harmful rays coming from the sun such as UV rays.
Dangers of ozone:
(1)When pollutants release from our vehicles rise above and collide with the ozone layer around our atmosphere, and mix with UV radiations this ozone become bad ozone.
(2) It can trigger respiratory as well as circulatory illnesses in living organisms.
Prevention of ozone damage. There are multiple ways we can protect ourselves from bad ozone such as:
(1)Reduce the use of vehicles
(2)Use of automobiles reagents which do not produce harmful gases or chemicals as a products
(3)Reduce the use of aerosols and pesticides sprays.
Hope it helps
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