English, asked by shaziakhan43565, 7 months ago

Life Skills
How do you show your love to your parents? Write a few pa
You love your mother the moet horn​


Answered by Anonymous

Create positive thoughts about your parents.

Our emotions are affected by our thoughts. Therefore, if you want to be more understanding to your parents, you should start by thinking positively about them.. Talk to them constantly.

Communication can help you understand the thoughts of your parents. It will also strengthen your relationship as family.Express your gratitude to them.

Always take time to thank your parents for their sacrifices and everything they do for you. You can never repay them for all they have done for youRespect their decisions.

There could be some decisions your parents make that you do not agree with. You can try telling them your thoughts about those, but if they do not accept your ideas, just accept and respect them.Obey their house rules (especially if you still live with them).

You need to respect their authority as the heads of the household. That is why it is your responsibility to obey their house rules, unless you want to move out and live on your own.Do not talk back.

I believe it is okay to reason out to your parents if you need them to understand your side. However, do this in a gentle and respectful manner—not arguing with them and imposing your views. If they tell you to shut up, then do not say anything.Avoid lying to them.

Sometimes, we make lies because we do not want our parents to be disappointed with us. However, the moment you cannot cover those lies anymore, they would be more than disappointed with you.You are blessed to have them

Your parents are not perfect. There are times they make you feel bad, and you might have even wished you had been born in a different family. However, remember that not all children had the privilege to be born and raised up in a home. Some of them did not even have a glimpse of this world, because their parents did not give them a chance to live. Some were abandoned when they were still small, because their parents could not take the responsibility of taking care of them.

Be thankful for your parents’ love and sacrifices for you. They deserve to be loved and honored in return.

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