Turn, turn thy hasty foot aside,
Nor crush that helpless worm!
The frame thy scornful looks deride
Requir'd a God to form.
The common Lord of all that move,
From whom thy being flow'd.
A portion of His boundless love
On that poor worm bestow'd,
Orhe sun, the moon, the stars He made
To all His Creatures free:
And spreads o'er earth the grassy blade,
For worms as well as thee.
Let them enjoy their little day,
Their lowly bliss received;
O do not lightly take away
The life thou canst not give !
....... tell me figure of speech of any 1 line
Answered by
"Let them enjoy their little day,
Their lowly bliss received"
In the above lines, the poetic device or figure of speech is personification. The worm, a creature, is being personified here.
Personification is a figure if speech that imaginatively represents the natural world, inanimate objects, or abstract ideas as possessing the attributes of human beings. Personification gives non-human agents are human face by investing them with qualities or action words that describe human characteristics or doings.
Enjoying a day of life is not an attribute of a worm but as it is being personified here, it gets the ability to enjoy its life which is actually a human characteristic.
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