Computer Science, asked by anweshaa13, 6 months ago

Two arithmetic expression can be joined with if statement,by using?​


Answered by Anonymous



This is a review of what we covered in this tutorial on logic and if statements.

We often want to be able to "conditionally" do things in our programs - we want to be able to say "if this thing is true, then do X but if this other thing is true, then do Y." It's like when we wake up in the morning - "if it's raining outside, then I take an umbrella, but if it's sunny, I wear sunglasses." We can do things conditionally in our programs using if statements and if/else statements combined with conditional expressions.

An if statement tells the program to execute a block of code, if a condition is true. In the code below, we output a message only if x is greater than 0:

var x = 5;

if (x > 0) {

 text('x is a positive number!', 200, 200);


Since x is 5, which is greater than 0, we would see the message on the canvas. If we changed x to -1, we wouldn't see the message show up at all, since x wouldn't be greater than 0.

The x > 0 is what we call a conditional expression - which means it's an expression that evaluates to either true or false. When a value is either true or false, we call it a boolean value (as opposed to a number or a string). For example, we could just display the conditional expression:

text(x > 0, 200, 200); // Displays "true"

We could also store it into a variable and then display it:

var isPositive = x > 0;

text(isPositive, 200, 200);

We would then say that isPositive is storing a boolean value, because it's either true or false, depending on what we set x to.

We have many ways of creating conditional expressions that will evaluate to true or false, because we have many comparison operators. Here are the most popular:

Assuming the following variable, here are the most common comparison operators and expressions that would be true with them:

var myAge = 28;

Operator Meaning True expressions  

=== Strict equality myAge === 28  

!== Strict inequality myAge !== 29 28 !== 29

> Greater than myAge > 25 28 > 25

>= Greater than or equal myAge >= 28 28 >= 28

< Less than myAge < 30 28 < 30

<= Less than or equal myAge <= 28 28 <= 28

It is a very common mistake to confuse the assignment operator (=) with the equality operator (===), because they both use equal signs, but they are quite different. The assignment operator will actually change the value of the variable, whereas the equality operator will just read the value of the variable and see if it's equal to something. For example:

var x = 2 + 2; // Sets it equal to 4

if (x === 4) { // Asks the question, "does this equal 4?"

  text("yep, 2 + 2 = 4!", 200, 200);


We sometimes want to combine multiple comparisons together in a conditional expression, and that's why we have logical operators. These operators let us say things like "if both X and Y are true" or "if either X or Y are true" in our programs.

If we want to require that two conditions are both true, we can use the && operator ("and"):

var degreesOutside = 70;

var numberOfClouds = 50;

if (degreesOutside > 70 && numberOfClouds < 5) {

 text("Wear sun screen!", 200, 200);


We often use that in our programs here for checking that a user's mouse position is inside a rectangle (to mimic a button), in which case we need multiple && operators:

rect(100, 50, 100, 100);  

mousePressed = function() {

   if (mouseX > 100 && mouseX < 200 && mouseY > 50 && mouseY < 150) {

     text("You pressed it!", 80, 75);



If we only care that at least one condition is true, then we can use the || operator ("or"):

var degreesOutside = 70;

var numberOfClouds = 50;

if (degreesOutside > 70 || numberOfClouds < 5) {

 text("Wear sun screen if it's hot outside or there aren't many clouds!", 200, 200);


We can use both && and || in the same expression, if we have some very complex condition to check. Just use parentheses to group expressions, so that the program isn't confused about what order to evaluate them:

var myAge = 28;

if ((myAge >= 0 && myAge < 3)  || myAge > 90) {

 println('You\'re not quite in your peak.');


Now let's return to if statements. We often want to execute some block of code in the case that the if condition wasn't true - in that case, we add an else statement.

var age = 28;

if (age > 16) {

 println('Yay, you can drive!');

} else {

 println('Sorry, but you have ' + (16 - age) + ' years until you can drive.');


Answered by Anonymous

I think relational operator is the right answer....

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