Two brothers Bhupinder and Harminder fought a lot in my neighborhood yesterday. Bhupinder was telling Harminder that his share of " saline " land had come. How will he farm? Children, what kind of land is saline?
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Saline land can't be used for agriculture
Bhupinder and Harminder fought with each other because Harminder had receied saline land as part of his share during partition.
- Salinity is the salt content of the soil. Saline land means the salt content of the soil is too high.
- Excess soil salinity causes poor and spotty stands of crops, uneven and stunted growth and poor yields, the extent depending on the degree of salinity.
- Harminder won't be able to use his saline land for agriculture, hence he is having a fight.
- The saline land can be reclaimed using scraping, flushing or leaching, depending on the nature of salinity.
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