Physics, asked by DEVGARIABA, 3 months ago

two carts a and b of mass 10 kg each are placed on a horizontal track. They are joined tightly by a light but strong rope C. A man hold a cart B and pulls it towards the right with a force of 90 N. The total force of Friction by the track and the air on each cart is 15 N acting towards the left. Find the acceleration LG the carts​


Answered by abeta5690



Two carts of 10kg(Total mass =20kg) are tied together and are bullsd by a man.

Force of friction and air resistance =15N each cart= 30N total.


Force with which the man is pulling is 90-30N =60N

Total mass=20kg

f = kma

Where K's value is 1(Only for Newton)

Hence we get-

60 = 20a = a = 3

So acceleration is 3ms-²

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