Two children (Give your characters the names), a boy and a girl, decide to make a time capsule
and bury it at the edge of a farm, under a big oak tree. While digging, they unearth a metallic object
the size of a shoe box. It’s shaped like a bullet and has the number 8 engraved on it. It appears to
be a container, since it rattles when they shake it. But there is no obvious way to open it…
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In the world of creative writing, we’ve only begun tapping the possibilities in speculative fiction, a genre that includes science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, supernatural, horror, and superhero stories, as well as anything that ventures beyond known reality.
Speculative fiction is an under-recognized genre: academia and literary elitists traditionally haven’t given it much credence, although it has been gaining acclaim in recent years.
But the genre’s fans are rabid. In fact, you won’t find a more dedicated group of readers anywhere else, which makes reading and writing speculative fiction a delight.
Plus, it’s a lot of fun to step outside of reality and see just what your imagination can do.
You can write about knights and dragons, spaceships and far-off planets, the apocalypse, ghosts, or strange islands with magical properties. In the world of speculative fiction, anything goes.The creative writing prompts below can be used in any way you want. Have fun with a freewrite, compose a poem, or draft a short story. Who knows? Maybe one of these prompts will inspire an idea for a novel. And if you’ve never given science fiction or fantasy a shot, this is your chance to test the waters and find out just how deep they are.
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Two children (Give your characters the names), a boy and a girl, decide to make a time capsule
and bury it at the edge of a farm, under a big oak tree. While digging, they unearth a metallic object
the size of a shoe box. It’s shaped like a bullet and has the number 8 engraved on it. It appears to
be a container, since it rattles when they shake it. But there is no obvious way to open
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