Two circuits, one series and one parallel are made
of two resistors of resistance 2 and 3 across a
9V battery, In which combination and in which
resistor is the magnetic field the maximum?
total resistance in series=5 ohm
total resistance in parallel=6/5ohm
current in series =1.8 ampere
current in parallel=7.5ampere
therefore magnetic field will be more in parallel as compared to series
and maximum in 2ohm resistor
Resistance of first resistor
Resistance of second resistor
Voltage of battery
To Find: The combination and resistor having maximum magnetic field
In series combination:
Total resistance in series combination is given as
Current in the series combination is given by
In parallel combination:
Total resistance in parallel combination is given as
Current in the parallel combination is given by
Magnetic field is directly proportional to the current.
As the current in the parallel combination is more, therefore, magnetic field is maximum in parallel combination.
Current in resistor
Current in resistor
Current in resistor
Current in resistor
As the current in is more, therefore, magnetic field is maximum in