Two elementsXandYhave atomic numbers 18and20 respectively and their mass
number is 40.
a)What is the relationship betweenXandY.
b)Are their properties same or different?Explain.
c)Electronic configuration of which out of K,K+,X,Y are similar?
d)Which out of XandY will form salt with S(Atomicnumber=16).Write the formula
Answered by
1 Isobars
2 different
3 K- and y . K+ and x
4 Y
Isobars have same mass number but diff atomic number.
Diff atomic no. means diff no. of protons meaning diff properties.
x is argon(19) , k is potassium(19) , y is calcium (20)
argon is noble ie unreactive while calcium is alkali earth metal(electro positive) and reacts with electo negative element like s
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