two minute speech on health and hygiene.
Hygiene is a series of practices performed to preserve health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "Hygiene refers to conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases." Personal hygiene refers to maintaining the body's cleanliness.Many people equate hygiene with 'cleanliness,' but hygiene is a broad term. It includes such personal habit choices as how frequently to take a shower or bath, wash hands, trim fingernails, and wash clothes. It also includes attention to keeping surfaces in the home and workplace, including bathroom facilities, clean and pathogen-free.Some regular hygiene practices may be considered good habits by the society, while the neglect of hygiene can be considered disgusting, disrespectful, or threatening.
Hygiene refers to good practices and ritual that prevent diseases and leads to good health. Being healthy not only means to be physically healthy and fit. One should be mentally healthy also.
Good health very much important for the social, economic and personal development of a person. A person can be said healthy only when he is physically and mentally fit without any aliment. Diet, exercise and sleep are the three pillars of a healthy body and mind. The immune system helps in fighting the toxins and virus attacks so that the body can quickly recover from diseases. The hectic lifestyle and junk foods have given rise to obesity, stress and heart problems. A simple and controlled lifestyle with a balanced diet routine exercise helps to attain good health. The Covid pandemic has taught us the significance of personal hygiene and cleanliness. The one who maintained hygiene escaped the virus. It means god helps those who maintained cleanliness. Cleanliness is next to godliness. When you keep yourself hygienic, not only do you protect yourself but others also get protection. Cleanliness is a broad term that included your body, mind, soul and environment. Keep all these things clean to experience the peak of living life. Cleanliness is one of the factors that fetch you a healthy life. It refers to the habit of being clean. It is a great habit that can improve the quality of one’s life.