two numbers are such that when the larger number is divided by the smaller number both the quotient and the remainder are equal to 2 if 5 times the smaller number is divided by the larger number both the quotient and remainder is also equal to 2 find the two numbers
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There is formula to find out dividend .
Dividend = quotient * divisor + remainder.
Now , assume there are two numbers ‘a’ and ‘b’. such that a > b ;
in the question it is given that 3 times of larger number when divided by smaller number then we get 6 as quotient and 6 as remainder.
divisor = b;
dividend = 3a;
quotient = 6;
remainder = 6;
using above formula we get the following equation.
3a = 6b + 6 ……….(1)
and one more equation according to question
divisor = a;
dividend = 5b;
quotient = 2;
remainder = 3;
5b = 2a + 3……..(2)
after solving equation 1 and 2 we get solution.
a= 16 ;
b = 7;
b is smaller then a , so anwer is b = 7;
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