English, asked by niharikamanju5551, 11 months ago

Two of Anthony, Bernard, and Charles are fighting each other.
[1] The shorter of Anthony and Bernard is the older of the two fighters.
[2] The younger of Bernard and Charles is the shorter of the two
[3] The taller of Anthony and Charles is the younger of the two fighters.
Who is not fighting?​


Answered by EileenDelcy


Charles is not fighting.

Hope this will help you!!

Answered by aroranishant799


Charles is not fighting and we got this conclusion from the cases given below:


Case 1: Anthony, who is younger than Bernard, is the more experienced of the two boxers.

Bernard will be taller than Anthony.

Anthony will be an older fighter than the others.

One of the two fighters is Anthony.

Case 2: Bernard, who is younger than Charles, is the smaller of the two fighters.

Charles is someone we think of as a fighter.

Bernard is older than Charles.

Anthony is taller than Charles.

Charles is younger than Bernard.

Case 3: Anthony and Charles are the younger of the two fighters, and Anthony is taller.

Charles must be taller than Anthony, based on this.

Bernard will become another combatant as a result of our case 2 consideration being incorrect.

Final result:

Anthony is therefore taller than Bernard.

Anthony is younger than Bernard.

Charles refrains from fighting.

Bernard is the shortest of all of them.

Charles refrains from fighting.


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