Two of your friends want to go to the cinema after school but their parents do not give them permission to do so. Discuss what their parents view might be and how your friends can try persuade them .
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How to Convince Your Parents to Let You and Your Friends Go Out
Whether you want to hang out with your friends at the mall for an afternoon or go to an upcoming event, you may need to get permission from your parents first. Especially if you have overprotective parents, you will need strategy on your side. Do your research, and come prepared to respectfully negotiate with your parents to get what you want.
Part One of Three:
Scheduling Time to Talk to Your Parents

Ask your parents when they have time to talk. Time needs to be on your side when it you want to make sure your parents let you go out with friends. Find out when your parents have a few minutes to sit down and talk with you about your plans. Be accommodating to their schedules, not your own time.
If your family is usually all together for dinner, that would be a good time to ask. Or if your family does relaxes together on Sunday afternoons, that could be an ideal time to talk.
Plan accordingly for big events. If you’re asking about a concert that’s weeks away, don’t wait until the last minute to ask. Parents appreciate preparation, especially when money and transportation will be involved.
Last minute plans usually won’t fly with parents, but sometimes you may be able to get permission to go to a low-profile hangout at a friend’s house if you spring it on them.[2]

Make sure they’re in a good mood when you discuss plans. More than likely your parents will say no to you regardless of the situation if they’re stressed or tired. Wait until any storms blow over and then ask if you can go hang out with friends.
Definitely make sure that you’re not in trouble or grounded before you ask for permission.
You’ll need to work your way out of being grounded before you can expect your parents to let you do anything extra. Cleaning your room is a great way to show that you are mature. Additionally, it shows you can be organized and helpful.
A good time to ask would be when you've finished your homework and chores for the week. Or to sweeten the deal, do all of those things on top of cleaning up after dinner.

Be patient when waiting to talk to your parents. Bugging them incessantly will deter them from wanting to say yes to you. Annoyed parents are less likely to be very giving and you’re more likely to get in trouble if you push them too far. Give them a few days to think about your questions.

Work with your family’s schedule.Whatever your plans are, it’s in your best interest to try and plan things around your family’s day to day life. Don’t ask to talk with your parents about serious plans when it’s a busy errand day. Instead, wait until everyone is at home and enjoying the evening so that there is time to discuss your plans.
For example, if you mom is dropping your sister off at soccer practice, you could ask to then be dropped off at the nearby mall since it’s on the way.
Coordinate your plans with your parents’. Try not to ask for extra rides too often and instead think about how you can combine trips around town.
Avoid asking to skip out on family events to go hang out with friends. Overloading your parents will make them less likely to yes in the future.
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