Two or three hours calculated it seemed an extraordinarily long time to be alone at sea write the thoughts of belasco
A bad neighbour glosses over your qualities and reveals your faults. Algerian proverb
A bad system will defeat a good person every time. Edwards Deming
A business needs order to survive and disorder to evolve. Peter Drucker
A change cannot be improvised but is prepared. Marc Girard
A chart demoralizes people. Nobody thinks of himself as below other people. Robert Townsend
A child is not a vase to fill, it is a fire that lights up. Montaigne
A company is only as good as its people
A company without order is unable to survive, but a company without disorder is unable to evolve. Bernard Nadoulek
A company's culture and a company's brand are really just two sides of the same coin. Tony Hsieh
A compelling vision tells you who you are (your purpose), where you are going (your picture of the future), and what will guide your journey (your values). Ken Blanchard
A conscious business behaves like a responsible citizen in its communities. John Mackey
A conscious culture facilitates the continued growth and evolution of the individual as well as the business. John Mackey
A crisis is a tremendous opportunity to learn and grow. John Mackey
A culture of collaboration enables successful ideas and innovations to be shared and spread rapidly throughout the organization. John Mackey