Chemistry, asked by hsstyles01ari, 10 months ago

Two ores A and B are taken. On heating ore A it gives CO2 whereas ore B gives SO2. What steps to be taken to convert them into metals? Give the name and formula of an ore of mercury


Answered by ayushpandey98070

Ore A by calcination and ore B by roasting

Answered by Anonymous

When carbonate ore (ore A) is heated, it produces carbon dioxide. A carbonate ore undergoes  calcination to give metal oxide. For example, zinc carbonate undergoes calcination to give zinc oxide.

ZnCO3 → ZnO + CO2

When a sulphide ore (ore B) is heated, it produces sulphur dioxide. A sulphide ore undergoes roasting to  give metal oxide. For example, zinc sulphide undergoes roasting to give zinc oxide.

2ZnS + 3O2→ 2ZnO + 2SO2

After calcinations or roasting, zinc oxide should be reduced to obtain zinc. ZnO is a white powdery  substance and is insoluble in water.

2ZnO + C → 2Zn + CO2

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