Two powerful explosions ripped through crowded areas at Dilsukhnagar in the eastern part of the state capital on Thursday evening, killing 13 persons and injuring more than 83. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your enguish and criticising the government and the police for their callousness.
Two powerful explosions ripped through crowded areas at Dilsukhnagar in the eastern part of the state capital on Thursday evening, killing 13 persons and injuring more than 83. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your enguish and criticising the government and the police for their callousness.
Two powerful explosions ripped through crowded areas at Dilsukhnagar in the eastern part of the State capital on Thursday evening, killing 13 persons and injuring more than 83.
The first blast occurred at 6.50 p.m. on the city’s busiest road that links it with Vijayawada; as terrified people were scampering to safety, the second blast went off.
Authorities say the explosions were caused by improvised explosive devices that could have been kept on bicycles or packed inside frames of bicycles.