Math, asked by floydnkuk101, 5 hours ago

Two squares have a total area of 274 square centimetres and the sum of their perimetres is 88 centimetres
Find the side of the larger square.


Answered by udhayaskd


what is the area in cm^2 of the large square ? : Let x = side of the large square then x^2 = it's area : Let y = side of small square

Answered by xXItzSujithaXx34

m^2 and total perimeter 52 cm.

what is the area in cm^2 of the large square ?


Let x = side of the large square


x^2 = it's area


Let y = side of small square


y^2 = it's area


"Two squares have total area 85 cm^2"

x^2 + y^2 = 85


" total perimeter 52 cm."

4x + 4y = 52

simplify, divide by 4

x + y = 13

y = (13-x)


replace y with (13-x) in the total area equation

x^2 + (13-x)^2 = 85


x^2 + 169 - 26x + x^2 = 85

Combine as a quadratic equation

2x^2 - 26x + 169 - 85 = 0

2x^2 - 26x + 84 = 0

Factor this to

(2x-12)(x-7) = 0

Two solutions

x = 7


2x = 12

x = 6


Area of the larger square: 7^2 = 49 sq/cm



Check solution

y = 13-7

y = 6 cm

then 6^2 = 36cm is the small square area

total area: 49 + 36 = 85


Check the perimeter

49 + 36 = 85;

4(7) + 4(6) = 52

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