Two students have devised a dice game named "Sums" for their statistics class. The game consists of choosing to play odds or evens. Probabilities for "Sums" Roll 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 P(roll) mc025-1.jpg mc025-2.jpg mc025-3.jpg mc025-4.jpg mc025-5.jpg mc025-6.jpg mc025-7.jpg mc025-8.jpg mc025-9.jpg mc025-10.jpg mc025-11.jpg Each person takes turns rolling two dice. If the sum is odd, the person playing odds gets points equal to the sum of the roll. If the sum is even, the person playing evens gets points equal to the sum of the roll. Note that the points earned is independent of who is rolling the dice. If Jessica is challenged to a game of Sums, which statement below is accurate in every aspect in guiding her to the correct choice of choosing to play odds or evens? E(evens) will be more because there are more even numbers that result from rolling two dice. Therefore, Jessica should play evens. E(odds) will be more because the probability for each odd number being rolle
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bro what a big question
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