Two trains start simultaneously from two stations 300 km apart and move towards each other. The speed of one train is more than the other by 20 km/hr. If the distance between the trains after two hours is 20 km, find the speeds of the trains.
Answered by
- The distance between two stations=
- The speeds of the trains.
Let us take the speed of a first train be
∴ speed of the other train
•Distance travel by the first train in
•Distance travelled by first train in
•Distance travelled by other train in
•Distance travelled by other train in
The distance between two stations is
According to given situation,
Distance travelled by first train Distance travelled by other train
Therefore,the speed of first train=
Speed of the other train
Let's verify our Answer.
•Distance travelled by first train in
•Distance travelled by other train in
•Distance between two trains after
Hence, the speeds of the train are
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