tyloses are commonly present in...
a.hearb b.monocot c.dicot tree d.dicot hearb
option C. dicot tree is correct. please select me brilliant
tyloses are commonly present in (c)dicot tree
1.The tyloses are the structures found in the woody tissues (heartwood) of dicot stems. These are the extensions of xylem parenchyma cells into the vessel elements. Tyloses are filled with starch, resin, gums and other substances.
2. Tyloses form on some trees, such as white oak (see illustration above), in the growth ring formed last year.Tyloses are ingrowths of parenchyma cells into the lumen of embolized xylem vessels, thereby protecting the remaining xylem from pathogens.
3.Tyloses form in xylem vessels of most plants under various conditions of stress and during invasion by most of the xylem-invading pathogens. Tyloses are overgrowths of the protoplast of adjacent living parenchymatous cells, which protrude into xylem vessels through pits