Tyndall effect. Differentiate between adsorption and absorption
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Tyndall effect :--when a beam of light is passed through a colloidal solution and viewed perpendicular to the path of incident light, the path of beam is illuminated by a bluish light this phenomenon is known as Tyndall effect.
Difference between adsorption and absorption are as follows :-
Adsorption :-
- it is the surface phenomenon i. e, it occurs only at the surface of the adsorbent
- in this phenomenon the concentration on the surface of adsorbent is different from that in the bulk
- its rate is High in the beginning and then decreases till equilibrium is attained.
Absorption :-
- it is a bulk phenomenon i. e, occurs throughout the body of the material
- In this phenomenon the concentration is same throughout the material
- its rate remain same throughput the process.
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absorprion is only possible in our bodyand adsorption only possible in other
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