English, asked by DevyaniTakwale81, 8 months ago

tyoes of figure of speech​


Answered by TheMishraJii

Types of figures of Speech

Personification. It occurs when a writer gives human traits to non-human or inanimate objects. ...

Understatement and Hyperbole. These two figures of speech are opposite to each other. ...

Simile. ...

Metaphor. ...


Answered by Shubhendu8898

A figure of speech is an term that is used to express uncommon things in common way that gives a deep meaning. The aim of figure of speech is to give  a living beauty and  produce a Interesting effect in Poetry.

Here are some types of Figure of Speech:-

1) Simile

2) Personification

3) Metaphor

4) Apostrophe

5) Onomatopoeia

6) Hyperbole

7) Oxymoron

Simile:- In this figure of speech there is a comparison between two dissimilar things which have one or more common points. In other words comparison is made on the basis of a particular quality. It can be indicated by words such as 'like' , 'as' , 'such as' , 'just as' etc.


1) She hangs like a star in the dew of our song

2) Lakshmi is as firm as a rock.

3) She sways like a flower in the wind of our song.

Personification:- In this figure of speech, non-living things and abstract notions are said to be as having life in it and a sense of intelligence.


1) Love is blind.

2) Opportunity knocks ar the door but once.

3) Anxiety was sitting on her face.

Metaphor:- This is a implied form of simile, in which comparison is done in two different things  without the use of words 'as' , 'like' , 'such as' etc.


1) Life is a walking shadow.

2) Life is tale told by an idiot.

3) Revenge is a kind of wild justice.

Apostrophe:- This figure is speech is direct address to a death person, animal or a thing as if they were aliv, present and capable of understanding.


1) O Death! Why is thy sting ?

2) O Liberty! What's happening in your time.

3)  O Grave! Where is the victory ?

Oxymoron:- It is combination of two contradictory things. Two opposite qualities come together in this figure of speech.


1) This is an open secret.

2) He is regularly irregular.

3) I am the wisest fool on the earth.

Hyperbole:- In this figure of speech things are show to be greater or small,  good or wrose as compared to they really are.


1) She shed ocean of tears

2) Rivers of blood flowed in the battle.

3) Hundred saw I at a glance.

Onomatopoeia:- In this figure of speech words are used to express sound effects.


1) The cat mew.

2) The snakes are hissing.

3) The bees are buzzing.

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