Biology, asked by pnc7781, 1 year ago

type and characteristics of 1.streptococcus thermophillus 2. Acetobacter 3. Lactobacillus acidophillus 4. Saccharomyces serevisiae 5. Aspergillus oryzae.


Answered by nancy629
1- It is a bacteria and is used as a clot buster for removing clots from the blood vessels.
2-A bacterium which produce organic acid that's acetic acid.
3-Bacterium produces lactic acid.
4-It is used for bread making and also called brewer' s yeast.
5- A fungus which produces citric acid.

pnc7781: what is type of 4th?
nancy629: It's yeast(fungus)
pnc7781: ok
ashwinhood: What is the type of 1 2 3 4
vyankateshkate96: thanks
anagha1234: Thank u so much for the answer!! :) :)
simimhatre16: Acetobacter is a fungus not bacterium
simimhatre16: The types are as follows
simimhatre16: 1)bacteria 2)bacteria 3)fungus 4)bacteria 5)yeast
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