English, asked by sayushsingh321, 1 year ago

types of compounds(समास) in English grammar


Answered by Anonymous
समास - दो या दो से अधिक शब्दों के मेल से जब एक नया शब्द बनता है , उसे समास कहते है ।

समास के भेद -

★ तत्पुरुष समास - जिस समास में पहला पद प्रधान हो ।
उदहारण - रसोईघर - रसोई के लिए घर ।

★ कर्मधारय समास - जिस समास में उपमेय उपमान या विशेषण विशेष्य में तुलना की जाए ।
उदहारण - चंद्रमुखी - चंद्र के समान मुख ।

★ अव्ययीभाव समास - जिस समास में पहला पद अव्यय हो । उदहारण -घरोघर - हर घर ।

★ द्विगु समास - जिस समास में पहला पद संख्यावाची हो ।
उदहारण - त्रिलोचन - तीन आखों का समाहार।

★ बहुव्रीहि समास -जहाँ कोई अन्य पद प्रधान हो। उदहारण - दामोदर - चोड़ा उदर है जिसका (गणेश) ।

★ द्वंद्व समास -जिस समास में दोनों ही पद प्रधान हो । उदहारण - माता पिता ।

sayushsingh321: don't you understand, in English
Answered by VineetaGara

A compound noun is a noun that is formed by a combination of more than one part of speech.

  • Compound nouns are of three main types:

Open or spaced compound nouns, hyphenated compound nouns and closed or solid compound nouns.

  1. Spaced or Open Compound Noun :
  • A spaced or open compound noun is one in which there is a space between the two words which form the compound noun.
  • For example : Cricket bat , Fast food , Flower shop

     2. Hyphenated Compound Nouns :

  • A hyphenated compound noun is one in which the two words are separated with the use of a hyphen.
  • For example : By-product , Mother-in-law , Passer-by

      3. Closed or Solid Compound Nouns :

  • A closed or solid compound noun is one in which the two words do not have any spaces or hyphens separating them. They are usually considered as a single word.
  • For example : Sunflower , Classroom , Rainfall

Thus, we can form compound nouns by combining different parts of speech. All compound nouns, though belonging to different parts of speech, perform the same function as a noun.


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