Business Studies, asked by nithyamahadevan19, 8 months ago

types of controlling


Answered by Itzcreamykitty


Feedback control, concurrent control, and feedforward are some types of management control. Controlling helps managers eliminate gaps between actual performance and goals. Control is the process in which actual performance is compared to company standards.

Answered by deepbukkal


In management, one of the most important tasks in an organization is goal-oriented. Feedback control, concurrent control, and feedforward are some types of management control. Controlling helps managers eliminate gaps between actual performance and goals. Control is the process in which actual performance is compared to company standards. Comparing this gives visibility to whether the activities are carried out according to the strategy. If this is not performed then necessary corrective action should be taken. Let us learn more about control techniques in management. Below are some of the types of control with explanation:

Feedback control: Feedback control involves gathering information about a past activity or action, and evaluating that information, and taking steps to improve similar activities or action in the future. Feedback control is historical in nature and is also known as post-action control. The implication is that the measured activity has already occurred, and it is impossible to go back and perform correctly to bring it up to standard. It is the least active of the controls and is generally a basis for reactions. Feedback allows managers to use past performance information to inform future performance in line with planned objectives.

Concurrent control: The process of monitoring and adjusting ongoing activities and processes is known as concurrent control. Concurrent controls are dynamic engagement in a current process where observations are made in real-time. Such controls are not necessarily proactive, but they can prevent problems from getting worse. For this reason, we often describe concurrent control as real-time control as it relates to current. A set of procedures are implemented to monitor project execution in order to find and solve problems or potential problems in a timely manner.

Feedforward control: Feedforward is a management and communication term that alludes to a representative or an association to give a controlled impact from which you are expecting output. Feedforward controls are future-directed, they attempt to detect and anticipate problems or deviations from the standards in advance of their occurrence. They are in-process control and are very active, aggressive in nature, allowing corrective action to be taken in advance of the problem.

Behavioral control: Behavioral control involves direct evaluation of managerial and employee decision making, not the results of managerial decisions. Behavioral control identified rewards for a wide range of criteria, such as in a balanced scorecard. When there are many external and internal factors, behavioral control and appreciative rewards are more appropriate that may affect the relationship between manager’s decisions and organizational performance. They are also suitable when managers must coordinate resources and capabilities across different business units.

Financial and non-financial controls: Financial controls involve the management of a firm’s costs and expenses so that they can be controlled in relation to budgetary amounts. Thus, in this way management determines which aspects of its financial position, such as profitability, sales or assets, are most important for the organization, tries to forecast them through budgets, and then compares actual performance to budgetary performance. Does. At a strategic level, total sales and indicators of profitability will be relevant strategic controls.

An increasing number of organizations are measuring customer loyalty, referral, employee satisfaction and other such performance areas that are not financial. Unlike financial control, the non-financial related control monitor aspects of the organization that are not promptly financial in nature, but are expected to lead to positive performance outcomes in the future. The principle behind such non-financial controls is that they can provide managers with a glimpse of the progress of the organization before measuring financial results. And this theory has some practical support. A highly satisfied customer is the best predictor of future sales in many of its businesses, so it regularly tracks customer satisfaction.

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