Science, asked by superman1st, 1 year ago

types of inertia with example


Answered by Bhavyabhadauria
Three types of inertia are :
1. Inertia of rest - The ability of body to resist any change in its state of rest. For eg - When bus starts and moves forward we are pushed backwards.
2. Inertia of motion
- The ability of body to resist any change in its state of motion. For eg - When a moving bus suddenly stops we are pushed forward
3. Inertia of rotation/direction - The ability of body to resist any change in its state of rotation. For eg - When bus suddenly takes turn we fall in direction opposite to it.

Answered by ajishboss
1 - motion
are the 3 types.
Inertia is the property of an object to remain at constant velocity unless acted upon by an outside force. The principle of inertia is one of the fundamental principles of classical physics which are used to describe the motion of matter and how it is affected by applied forces. Today, it is most commonly defined using Sir Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion, which states: “ The vis insita, or innate force of matter is a power of resisting, by which every body as much as in it lies, continues in it's present state, whether it be of rest, or of moving uniformly forwards in a right line". The description of inertia presented by Newton's law is Common usage of term Inertia is the measure of the reluctance of the object to change either its state or rest or , if it is moving, its motion in a straight line. It should be emphasized that 'inertia' is a scientific principle, and thus not quantifiable. Therefore, contrary to popular belief, it is neither a force nor a measure of mass. In common usage, however, people may also use the term "inertia" to refer to an object's "amount of resistance to change in velocity" (which is quantified by its mass), and sometimes its momentum, depending on context (e.g. "this object has a lot of inertia"). The term "inertia" is more properly understood as a shorthand for "the principle of inertia as described by Newton in his First Law." In simple terms we can say that "In an isolated system, a body at rest will remain at rest and a body moving with constant velocity will continue to do so, unless disturbed by an unbalanced force" Some other types of inertia: Gyroscopic Inertia = "A body that is set spinning has a tendency to keep spinning in its original orientation." For example, a top or gyroscope will not fall over when it is spinning. Rotational Inertia = the property of an object that resists any change in its state of rotation. If at rest, it tends to remain at rest; if rotating, it tends to remain rotating and will continue to do so unless interrupted. For example, think of a metal ring and a solid disk experiment. The metal ring has its mass at the perimeter and therefore has more rotational inertia than the solid disk. This is why a ring resists rolling from a state of rest.
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